
Annual Training Course

As from 2018, the ABTPé will offer a basic course in surgical training for foot and ankle specialization fellows, sponsored by ARTHREX and along the lines of what is offered for shoulder and knee specialization fellows.

This course will be held annually in Naples, Florida, at the company headquarters, and will be available to 30 candidates who are selected by our Society based on objective criteria. Short classes will be given on specific topics, followed by surgical training with cadaver parts in the laboratory, with two fellows per counter.

For 2018 openings, candidates will be chosen from among the orthopedic surgeons who are currently completing foot and ankle fellowships at accredited APTPé institutions in 2017.

The selection will be made according to the papers that candidates are obliged to send to the ABTPé Journal at the end of the specialization fellowship in order to join ABTPé as full members.

The course will be held annually in June, and the end-of-course papers must be sent to the ABTPé Journal by the end of the February before the start of the course for candidates to be included in this selection. Only fellows who finish their fellowship in the same year as the course they apply for are eligible to participate, according to the company’s Compliance rules.   

The company will cover flight costs for all candidates for their São Paulo to Miami return journey (not including travel costs between candidates’ cities of residence and the city of São Paulo), round trip transportation between Miami and Naples, hotel accommodation in ARTHREX double rooms (to be shared with another participant), and all meals, provided they are had at ARTHREX. Candidates that need to make alterations to their flights, transfers, or hotel must do so at their own expense.

The course provides all-around benefits - ARTHREX has an interest in presenting and demonstrating its products, and APTPé will benefit both by offering future members of the Society a course that is well appraised by the participants so far (several of us have already taken the course, so we would know), and by encouraging candidates to send papers to our Journal at the end of the course.

We are relying on all associate members, especially those who are responsible for accredited services with ABTPé, to ensure the timely preparation and writing of their fellows’ papers. Thus, they may be submitted in time to the APTPé Journal, and the candidates for membership of our society may participate in the selection process for this course.