Together we will be stronger


  • Jorge Mitsuo Mizusaki




Having finished the presentation of this issue of the Revista ABTPé journal, the editorial staff feels honoured to witness the tremendous effort made by our authors, who have demonstrated their ability to produce scientific articles that represent the scope of our scientific and healthcare activities. We present studies in different areas ranging from traumatology of the foot and ankle to tendon injuries, sports medicine, and advances in the field of diagnostic imaging. We also present a reflection that applies specifically to the political and financial climate of our country. Among so many articles representing our regional diversity, with its distinctive characteristics, we observe the progress of our achievements and highlight the need to remain within the ethical limits that guide knowledge-forming and opinion-making medical and scientific activity. This draws attention to the importance of a well-grounded analysis by the reviewers, who repeatedly come across scientific fraud, which causes severe damage to the academic community. The maintenance of this space for our readers will be permanently and continuously improved with the collaboration of the authors and our reviewers, who strive to accomplish the best qualification of our scientific and healthcare capacity. Dear readers, during these troubled times we are facing in our field, you can be certain that together we will be stronger. Enjoy our journal, which is always produced with dedication and devotion to our readers..



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