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Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- Does the Cover Letter include the reason why you have chosen to publish your paper in our Journal, the word count of the text of the paper (excluding the Abstract, Tables, Figures, and References), the number of Tables, Figures and References, and a declaration by the lead author that all co-authors are in agreement with the content expressed in the paper?
- Are all the names of the authors written out in full and has the institutional affiliation been provided for each author? Only the name of the Institution, city, state, and country should be indicated.
- Was the corresponding author informed, with his/her respective full professional address, Zip Code (CEP, in Portuguese), email, and cell phone number?
- Is the file to be submitted in Microsoft Word format, with the pages and lines numbered sequentially?
- Does the paper have a title, and does it not exceed 12 words?
- Is the text formatted with double spacing; does it use 12-point Time New Roman or Arial font?
- Does the text follow the requested style standards and bibliographical requirements?
- Is the Abstract in compliance with the category of the article being submitted, as per the Instructions to Authors? Does it include at least 3 and at most 5 Keywords? Does it mention the Evidence Level and the type of Study?
- Are the text citations numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals in parentheses, superscript and before the full stop of the sentence?
- Are all the illustrations of the paper called “Figures” in the text (graphs, drawings, flow charts, schemata, radiographs and resonances?
- Are all the sources of Tables and Figures mentioned?
- Are all the figures cited in the text and numbered with Arabic numerals (Figure 1) and with their respective captions?
- Are all the tables cited in the text and numbered with Arabic numerals (Table 1)? Do all the tables have a title, a heading for all columns and captions for abbreviations?
- Does the paper have a Declaration of Conflicts of Interest and the patients’ Free, Prior and Informed Consent that was used in the study?
- Is the contribution original and unpublished, and is it not being assessed for publication by any other journal? Should this not be the case, a justification must be made in “Comments to the Editor”.
- Has it been approved by the Ethics and Research Committee of the institution where the paper was developed and, in cases wherein the studies were conducted in Brazil, does it have a Parecer Consubstanciado da Plataforma Brasil?
- In the Methods section, in the first paragraph, do the authors mention whether the research was approved by the Ethics and Research Commission of their Institution?
- In the Methods section, do the authors mention in the text that the research has met all requirements regarding the rights of human beings and animals?
- Are the references formatted in the Vancouver style?
- Do you accept that non-conformity with these requirements will cause the paper to be returned?
- Is the place where the study was conducted not mentioned in the Abstract?
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The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to other persons.