Contracción fija en equino del cuello de pie

Distracción gradua mediante fijador externo tubular AO



Equinus contracture, gradual distraction, external fixator


Background: equinus contracture of the ankle is a common complication in politraumatized patients without adequate rehabilitation therapy (in our patient; equinus ankle contracture). Methods: surgery is often necessary to correct this deformity, and includes cutaneous and deep soft tissue release, followed by skin coverage. Furthermore complications attributable to them it may occur. We apply the principle of slow gradual distraction with external fixator (triangular articulated frame using ao tubular external fixatod to correct this deformity. Result: we report a succesfully treated patient with this technique. Conclusions: using the triangular frame with the AO fixator, we treat a joint contracture. This is a percutaneous surgery with very mild agression to the patient and very low risks. The technique is easy, the degree of correction may be almost complete, and hospital stay is very short (ambulatory surgery; low costs).

Author Biographies

Trabajo realizado en el Hospital Policial, Montevideo, Uruguay. Dirección Nacional de Sanidad Policial, Ministerio del lnterior

Trabajo realizado en el Hospital Policial, Montevideo, Uruguay. Dirección Nacional de Sanidad Policial, Ministerio del lnterior



How to Cite

Alicia, & Orlando. (2009). Contracción fija en equino del cuello de pie: Distracción gradua mediante fijador externo tubular AO. Tobillo Y Pie, 1(2), 34–38. Retrieved from



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