Tratamiento de inestabilidad metatarsofalángica del segundo dedo en estadios incipientes

(Síndrome Preluxación)


  • Miguel Alcacer
  • Mariano Gaytan


metatarsophalangical instability, Predislocation syndrome


Summary: The aim of these studies was to show the degrees of metatarsophalangical instability and to develop a technique of ligamental anatomic reconstruction modified in preliminary stage (pred islocation synd rome) Materials and Methods: twelve (12) feet were evaluated, six (6) patient feet and six (0) fresh frozen cadaveric feet.
The feet were dividied into two groups:
A- 6 patients feet, checking metatarsophalangical instability in the cross over (Horizontal plane) with undamaged plantar plate (P.P)
B- 6 fresh frozen cadaveric feet performing of the lateral ligament and the lateral capsulae leaving undamaged plantar plate (P.P).
The reconstruction of the capsulae lateral ligament was later performed by means of the interoseus tendon with two mm intraoseus anchor. The instability was graduated according toYu and Judge classification. Results: The anatomic ligamental restoration in the horizontal plane instability (cross over) has been achieved, verifying the correction in the angle of lateral inclination second ray with Drawer Test (-) and absence of pain in the post operated patients accom plish ing a correct stability and a lig ment. Conclusion: The proceeding is indicated for metatarsophalângical instability without plantar plate rupture., obtaining encouraging preliminary results, achieving the anatomic restoration of the joint avoiding fixed structural deformities. (dislocation synd rome). 

Author Biographies

Miguel Alcacer

Creta. Rosario ´Santa fé, Argentina

Mariano Gaytan

Creta. Rosario - Santa Fe. Argentina



How to Cite

Alcacer, M., & Gaytan, M. (2010). Tratamiento de inestabilidad metatarsofalángica del segundo dedo en estadios incipientes: (Síndrome Preluxación). Tobillo Y Pie, 2(2), 19–22. Retrieved from



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