Comparative study between calcaneal osteotomy with tibial tendon tenoplastyvs calcaneal osteotomy with external column lengthening in tibial tendon dysfunction IB and II


  • Nicolas Monsalve Instituto Dupuytren, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Ignacio Melendez Instituto Dupuytren, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Santiago Eslava Instituto Dupuytren, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Diego Yearson Instituto Dupuytren, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Guillermo Arrondo Instituto Dupuytren, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Daniel Niño Gomez Instituto Dupuytren, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Flat foot/diagnosis, Flat foot/surgery, Treatment outcome, Osteotomy/methods


Introduction: The aim of this presentation is to determine the differences between results of patientsdiagnoses with adult flat foot (posterior tibial dysfunction) types IB and II which were treatedwith calcaneal medial displacement osteotomy (Koutsogannis) and those with double calcanealosteotomy Koutsogannis and external column lengthening (Evans-Mosca). Methods: Forty-threecases were studied from 2007 to 2013, follow up 22 months. There were evaluated with VAS andAOFAS scores, as well xray preoperatory and postoperatory. Results: There were more satisfactionin group II (less complications), and there were not biomechanically differences between groups. Discussion: The external column lengthening osteotomy allows the adduction of the forefoot inall cases where talo navicular subluxation is present. That osteotomy in addition with calcanealosteotomy of Koutsojianis also allows correction the valgus of the hindfoot and improves the Aquilesstrengh. Conclusion: This procedure calcaneal osteotomy and external column lenghtening shownmore satisfaction, with better results of VAS and AOFAS scores as radiological measurings.

Author Biographies

Nicolas Monsalve, Instituto Dupuytren, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Servicio Cirugía Pierna Tobillo y Pie.

Ignacio Melendez, Instituto Dupuytren, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Servicio Cirugía Pierna Tobillo y Pie.

Santiago Eslava, Instituto Dupuytren, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Servicio Cirugía Pierna Tobillo y Pie.

Diego Yearson, Instituto Dupuytren, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Servicio Cirugía Pierna Tobillo y Pie.

Guillermo Arrondo, Instituto Dupuytren, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Servicio Cirugía Pierna Tobillo y Pie.

Daniel Niño Gomez, Instituto Dupuytren, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Servicio Cirugía Pierna Tobillo y Pie.



How to Cite

Monsalve, N. ., Melendez, I. ., Eslava, S. ., Yearson, D. ., Arrondo, G. ., & Niño Gomez, D. (2017). Comparative study between calcaneal osteotomy with tibial tendon tenoplastyvs calcaneal osteotomy with external column lengthening in tibial tendon dysfunction IB and II. Tobillo Y Pie, 9(2), 99–102. Retrieved from



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